Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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541 lines
;; *************************************************************************
;; LL_PAL.INC - Lord Logic's Palette Manipulation Routines - LL_PAL.INC
;; - PRIMOR ViDeO GFX Engine v1.2 * Copyright (C) 1992-93 -
;; No docs or nfo written for these routines yet. Given with LL_LAND as a
;; programming example. Focus of the example is the 3D Landscape, and not
;; these routines. They are pretty straight forward and easy to figure out.
;; *************************************************************************
;; Routines:
;; ll_palcycle(char far *, uchar, uint, char);
;; ll_palcol(char far *, uchar, uint, char, char, char);
;; ll_palput(char far *);
;; ll_palget(char far *);
;; ll_palfade(char far *);
;; ll_palramp(char far *, uchar, uint, char, char, char, char, char, char);
;; ll_palupdate();
;; *
;; NOTE: None of the above routines alter the actual VGA Palette EXCEPT for
;; ll_palupdate(). They alter the passed buffer. To change the
;; actual palette, call one of the above followed by either:
;; ll_palput() -OR- a call to ll_palfade() followed by ll_palupdate().
;; *
MM equ 6
LL_PAL db 768 dup (?)
ll_palramp proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push es
push di
push si
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,1
;; *
;; Get passed parameters . . .
;; *
mov di,[bp+MM+2] ;; Set ES:[DI] to point to starting
mov es,di ;; : of buffer to change . . .
mov di,[bp+MM] ;; :
mov ax,[bp+MM+4] ;; :
mov bx,3
mul bx
add di,ax
mov cx,[bp+MM+6] ;; Length of ramp
or cx,cx ;; Check length
jz llpr_e ;; : If 0, exit NOW!
add cx,[bp+MM+4] ;; : And if ramp range < 256 . . .
cmp cx,256 ;; :
ja llpr_e ;; :
mov cx,[bp+MM+6] ;; :
;; *
;; Compute the RED RAMP
;; *
push di
push cx
mov bl,[bp+MM+8] ;; Red 1
mov bh,[bp+MM+14] ;; Red 2
mov si,bx ;; Set SI to hold the starting point
cmp bh,bl ;; Check if there is a change
jne llpr_1 ;; : and if so, then figure out ratio
xor ax,ax ;; : otherwise, set it to 0.
jmp llpr_3 ;; :
llpr_1: xchg bl,bh ;; Set AX to hold the ratio
sub bl,bh ;; :
xor bh,bh ;; :
test bl,10000000b ;; Check if BL is negative
jz llpr_2 ;; : If not, continue, else
or bh,11111111b ;; : Set BH accordingly . . .
llpr_2: mov ax,0100h ;; Ratio = (256*dy)/dx
imul bx ;; :
idiv cx ;; :
llpr_3: mov bx,si
mov bh,al
llpr_4: mov es:[di],bl
add bh,al
adc bl,ah
add di,3
loop llpr_4
pop cx
pop di
;; *
;; Compute the GREEN RAMP
;; *
push di
push cx
mov bl,[bp+MM+10] ;; Green 1
mov bh,[bp+MM+16] ;; Green 2
mov si,bx ;; Set SI to hold the starting point
cmp bh,bl ;; Check if there is a change
jne llpr_5 ;; : and if so, then figure out ratio
xor ax,ax ;; : otherwise, set it to 0.
jmp llpr_7 ;; :
llpr_5: xchg bl,bh ;; Set AX to hold the ratio
sub bl,bh ;; :
xor bh,bh ;; :
test bl,10000000b ;; Check if BL is negative
jz llpr_6 ;; : If not, continue, else
or bh,11111111b ;; : Set BH accordingly . . .
llpr_6: mov ax,0100h ;; Ratio = (256*dy)/dx
imul bx ;; :
idiv cx ;; :
llpr_7: mov bx,si
inc di
llpr_8: mov es:[di],bl
add bh,al
adc bl,ah
add di,3
loop llpr_8
pop cx
pop di
;; *
;; Compute the BLUE RAMP
;; *
push di
push cx
mov bl,[bp+MM+12] ;; Blue 1
mov bh,[bp+MM+18] ;; Blue 2
mov si,bx ;; Set SI to hold the starting point
cmp bh,bl ;; Check if there is a change
jne llpr_9 ;; : and if so, then figure out ratio
xor ax,ax ;; : otherwise, set it to 0.
jmp llpr_11 ;; :
llpr_9: xchg bl,bh ;; Set AX to hold the ratio
sub bl,bh ;; :
xor bh,bh ;; :
test bl,10000000b ;; Check if BL is negative
jz llpr_10 ;; : If not, continue, else
or bh,11111111b ;; : Set BH accordingly . . .
llpr_10:mov ax,0100h ;; Ratio = (256*dy)/dx
imul bx ;; :
idiv cx ;; :
llpr_11:mov bx,si
add di,2
llpr_12:mov es:[di],bl
add bh,al
adc bl,ah
add di,3
loop llpr_12
pop cx
pop di
xor ax,ax
llpr_e: pop si
pop di
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
ll_palramp endp
;; NOTE: Need to add a horizontal retrace check every 3 bytes output to the
;; pal port to remove slight flicker from some video displays.
ll_palfade proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push es
push di
push si
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov di,@data
mov es,di
mov di,offset LL_PAL
mov si,[bp+MM+2]
mov ds,si
mov si,[bp+MM]
add si,768
llfp_1: xor ah,ah
xor di,di
sub si,768
mov cx,768
llfp_2: mov al,es:[di] ;
cmp al,[si] ;
je llfp_5 ;
ja llfp_4
llfp_3: add al,2
llfp_4: dec al
mov ah,1
mov es:[di],al ;
llfp_5: inc si
inc di
loop llfp_2
mov dx,ax ; Store return code
jmp llfp_6 ; step ONLY ONCE through!
;or ah,ah ;
;jz llfp_6 ;
;push ax
;call ll_palupdate
;pop ax
jmp llfp_1
llfp_6: mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
xchg dx,ax
mov al,ah
llfp_e: pop si
pop di
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
ll_palfade endp
;; ************************************************************************
;; char ll_palcycle(char far *buf, unsigned char start, unsigned char size, char dir);
;; USE : Send 1 in DIR for forward, 1 in DIR for backward cycle.
;; ************************************************************************
ll_palcycle proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push es
push di
push si
mov ax,@DATA
mov ds,ax
;; *
;; Check the passed parameters . . .
;; *
mov ax,[bp+MM+4]
add ax,[bp+MM+6]
cmp ax,256
ja llc_exit
or ax,ax
jz llc_exit
;; *
;; Slide the PALETTE section ONE position . . .
;; *
mov ax,[bp+MM+2] ;; PAL Segment
mov es,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,[bp+MM+4]
mov bx,3
mul bx
mov di,ax
add di,[bp+MM] ;; PAL Offset
mov si,ax
mov ax,[bp+MM+6]
mul bx
cmp byte ptr [bp+MM+8],1
jne llc_b
llc_f: cld ;; Cycle forward . . .
mov di,770
mov cx,3
rep movsb
mov di,si
sub di,3
mov cx,ax
sub cx,3
rep movsb
mov cx,3
mov si,770
rep movsb
jmp llc_1
llc_b: std ;; Cycle backward . . .
mov cx,3
add si,ax
dec si
mov di,772
rep movsb
mov di,si
add di,3
mov cx,ax
sub cx,3
rep movsb
mov cx,3
mov si,772
rep movsb
llc_1: clc
xor ax,ax
;; *
;; Exit the routine . . .
;; *
pop si
pop di
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
ll_palcycle endp
ll_palcol proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push es
push di
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
;; *
;; Check the passed parameters . . .
;; *
mov ax,[bp+MM+4]
add ax,[bp+MM+6]
cmp ax,256
ja llpc_e
or ax,ax
jz llpc_e
;; *
;; Set PAL to new settings . . .
;; *
mov bx,3
mov ax,[bp+MM+4]
mul bx
mov di,ax
add di,[bp+MM] ;; PAL Offset
mov es,[bp+MM+2] ;; PAL Segment
mov cx,[bp+MM+6]
mov ah,[bp+MM+8]
mov bh,[bp+MM+10]
mov bl,[bp+MM+12]
llpc_l: mov es:[di],ah
mov es:[di+1],bh
mov es:[di+2],bl
add di,3
loop llpc_l
xor ax,ax
llpc_e: pop di
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
ll_palcol endp
;; ************************************************************************
;; char ll_palget(char far *buf);
;; Purpose: This routine gets the displays palette sets LL_PAL to it and
;; also sets buf to the same settings.
;; ************************************************************************
ll_palget proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push es
push di
push si
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov di,@data
mov es,di
mov di,offset LL_PAL
mov cx,768
mov dx,03c7h
xor al,al
out dx,al
add dx,2
llpg_1: in al,dx
mov es:[di],al
inc di
loop llpg_1
mov es,[bp+MM+2]
mov di,[bp+MM]
mov si,@data
mov ds,si
mov si,offset LL_PAL
mov cx,768
rep movsb
xor ax,ax
llpg_e: pop si
pop di
pop es
pop ds
ll_palget endp
;; ************************************************************************
;; char ll_palput(char far *buf);
;; Purpose: This routine sets LL_PAL to the contents of buf and also sets
;; the displays palette to the new LL_PAL.
;; ************************************************************************
ll_palput proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push es
push si
push di
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov di,@data
mov es,di
mov di,offset LL_PAL
mov si,[bp+MM+2]
mov ds,si
mov si,[bp+MM]
;; *
;; Fill LL_PAL with new values . . .
;; *
mov cx,768
rep movsb
;; *
;; Wait for VERTICAL RETRACE . . .
;; *
llpp_v: mov dx,03dah ;; vertical retrace port
llpp_1: in al,dx ;; read port
and al,08h ;; mask out bits
jnz llpp_1 ;; if not clear, go back
llpp_2: in al,dx ;; read port
and al,08h ;; mask out bits
jz llpp_2 ;; if clear, go back
;; *
;; Fill Palette . . .
;; *
mov dx,03c8h
xor al,al
out dx,al
inc dx
mov cx,768
sub si,768
llpp_3: mov al,[si]
out dx,al
inc si
loop llpp_3
xor ax,ax
llpp_e: pop di
pop si
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
ll_palput endp
ll_palupdate proc
push ds
push si
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
;; *
;; Wait for VERTICAL RETRACE . . .
;; *
llpu_v: mov dx,03dah ;; vertical retrace port
llpu_1: in al,dx ;; read port
and al,08h ;; mask out bits
jnz llpu_1 ;; if not clear, go back
llpu_2: in al,dx ;; read port
and al,08h ;; mask out bits
jz llpu_2 ;; if clear, go back
;; *
;; Fill Palette . . .
;; *
mov dx,03c8h
xor al,al
out dx,al
inc dx
mov cx,768/3
mov si,@data
mov ds,si
mov si,offset LL_PAL
llpu_3: ;; Add a horizontal retrace
;; check here. I can't find
;; the register port nfo in my
;; book. oh well.
mov ax,[si]
and ax,0011111100111111b
out dx,al
mov al,ah
out dx,al
mov al,[si+2]
and al,00111111b
out dx,al
add si,3
loop llpu_3
xor ax,ax
llpu_e: pop si
pop ds
ll_palupdate endp